
Research reveals people make a subconscious judgment about a person, environment, or product within 90 seconds of initial viewing and that between 62% and 90% of that assessment is based on color alone.

Usability Post讀了一篇關於顏色與Brand Personality的文章,簡單地講到了顏色與情緒、聯想的互動(顏色心理學的其中一環),很有用而且有趣,不妨一看。

順帶一提,大快活現在用的Brand Color是橙色,根據顏色心理學,橙色是能引起人的食慾,信不信由你,但雖然大家樂的Brand Color不是橙色,但大家樂的員工制服與裝修亦不乏橙橙黃黃的元素,是因為這個原因,還是只是巧合,就不得而知了。

A Guide to Choosing Colors for Your Brand:Usability Post

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